UK TREND : The ULEZ expansion is causing further controversy

During a cost-of-living discussion on Thursday at City Hall, the Mayor of London and financial expert Martin Lewis both took questions from the general public. The expansion of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), according to Mr. Lewis, will have a greater impact on drivers who are less wealthy. What is the necessary number of deaths per year to make it acceptable? Mr. Khan responded to Mr. Lewis.
Twitter users express their rage about ULEZ

A large number of London councils and the general public have opposed the mayor’s flagship clean-air policy. Following the public debate, the general public has utilised twitter to express their rage about the policy by using the hashtag #ULEZ.
The mayor’s response to Martin Lewis was not well received by the public. It was stated that “it is not proper for the mayor to accuse Lewis of wanting people to die simply for pointing out that ULEZ fees will affect those on lower incomes.” Making that remark was viewed as unnecessary and unkind.
Not so great to hear Martin Lewis accused by the Mayor of wanting people to die merely for pointing out that ULEZ charges will affect those on lower incomes more due to having older vehicles. He could have just talked about his scrappage scheme instead of making that remark.
— Ethdhelwen (@Ethdhelwen) February 3, 2023
Individuals have lost all trust in Sadiq Khan

Individuals have been tweeting that they have “ lost all trust in Sadiq Khan and will never vote for him again. As he is destroying people’s lives who are already struggling due to the cost-of-living crisis”.
NO-ONE will EVER Trust you or vote for you EVER AGAIN @SadiqKhan
Well done for destroying peoples’ lives even more with ULEZ extension plan when they’re already at Rock Bottom.
Don’t you DARE say you care about Londoners struggling.
— JKay2021 (@Kay2021J) February 3, 2023
During a live debate, an irate lorry driver heckled Sadiq Khan about his ULEZ expansion and called him a “conman.” Security then led her outside. Afterward, she told media outlets that “there are people who want to go and visit their loved ones’ graves, but they have to pay £12.50. It is disgusting.
Lorry driver Angie Donnelly who heckled @SadiqKhan at City Hall over ULEZ expansion and was escorted out by security. @itvlondon
— Simon Harris (@simonharrisitv) February 2, 2023
Twitter users were sharing stories of the struggles they already experience having to pay for ULEZ, pre-expansion and the difficulties it causes. They highlighted the struggles of ordinary individuals, whereas “ Sadiq Khan is seen in his £300,000 car”.
My grandson is struggling for work as a gardener due to the weather so i have had him here for a few days tidying things up, i j had to pay his ulez for two days £35.00 !!!!
To go to work to feed and house his family!
Damn you Khan, and the £300,000 car we find you to be in!— andy, friend of lorenzo saint Dubois. (@gringolito) January 31, 2023
Images of the Mayor arriving to work in his Range Rover were shared and it was noted that his luxury car is “ courtesy of London taxpayers # mayoral hypocrisy”.
Sadiq Khan, embroiled in legal battles with London councils over ULEZ expansion plans is driven to work every day in a £300,000 Range Rover courtesy of London tax payers.#mayoralhypocrisy.
— PubliclyInconvenient (@Publicinconvene) February 3, 2023
One twitter user shared how “ he was such a huge fan of Sadiq Khan and a lifelong labour voter”. However, following the plans for ULEZ expansion and the issues, “ they are no longer a supporter”.
Additionally, people were sharing research results that have concluded that “the ULEZ expansion would have little to no affect in making London’s air cleaner.” Additionally, statistics indicate that the majority of Londoners opposed the expansion. People are therefore puzzled as to why the mayor is continuing with it.
I read that even the ULEZ study by ICL commissioned by Sadly Khant concluded that the new zone on its own would have little effect in making London’s air cleaner. In addition, in the public consultation over 75% said they didn’t want it, yet still he’s going ahead. Madness!
— Derek Turner (@DerekJTurner) February 2, 2023
It has been shown that the ULEZ will have little to no effect on air quality on the outer boroughs of London, this is purely a money making exercise. Stop lying. You need the cash to shore up TfL. You are scamming the whole of London.
— Censored Truths (@Censored_Truths) January 25, 2023
Tory council prepares £400,000 fund to fight Ulez expansion in court (Youtube: Evening Standard)
Read more:
UK TREND: Plans for ULEZ expansion ignite Twitter
UK TREND : Sunak under questioning about Dominic Raab
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