UK TREND : The public wants Starmer out for his Tory like views

In his most recent interviews, Keir Starmer made some pretty bold claims that were poorly received by the general public. The Labour leader argued that people should be able to self-refer themselves in order to avoid seeing a GP and declared that his party would combat “bureaucratic nonsense” in the NHS. . He also expressed other strong opinions, such as opposition to Scotland’s change to the country’s gender laws. He added that his government would not eliminate tuition fees or re-join the EU.
Keir Starmer ignites Twitter

Health professionals and the general public who disapproved of Starmer’s claims criticised his views. The hashtags #Keir Starmer and, more specifically, # Starmer Out, have been trending on Twitter. People were shocked by the claims as it was clear that the Labour Party did not have their best interests in mind. They believed that if they supported Labour in the upcoming general elections, they would not actually be voting for change because Starmer’s views were too similar to those of the Conservative Party.
Kier Starmer talks about how they set about changing the Labour party. It would have been better if you didn't change the party into another version of the Tory party. Smh.. #StarmerOut
— Leroy Skeete (@LeroySkeete) January 15, 2023
People expressed their outrage on Twitter about Starmer’s plans, claiming that they have turned the Labour party into “another version of the Conservative party”. The public is demanding that the “year until elections is spent pushing Starmer out and calling for labour that actually stands for the NHS and the working class”. They have made it clear they “ do not want a slightly less evil Conservative government that will still sell of the NHS”.
We’ve got one year until elections & we really need to spend this year pushing Starmer OUT & calling for a Labour that actually stands up for the NHS & working class, we don’t want a slightly less evil Tory gov that will still sell off the NHS #ToriesOut #StarmerOut
— ✨Meisha✨ (@Thats_So_Meisha) January 14, 2023
Twitter users were stating how “ Starmer’s party seem to be offering exactly the same pledges we have had for the past 12 years” but with the belief that somehow its better as it is the Labour party is meant to be advocating for the working class.
Some individuals have assumed that Starmer’s statement that “ the NHS must reform or die” suggest labour under leadership will be privatising the NHS. Thus, “ he is a traitor to the working class, the needy and the principles upon which labour was formed”.
The bold statements Starmer made, or people have assumed through his plans such “ that he won’t tax the rich, won’t support unions, won’t talk about Brexit, won’t do any anything to support migrants. Only suggests that he is just a Conservative “alternative” but won’t be any real difference to the British public.
Won’t tax the rich to enable the poorest. Won’t support unions. Won’t talk about Brexit. Won’t interfere in rights to strike. Won’t nationalise. Won’t support migrants. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your alternative. Take back control my arse. #StarmerOut
— Kenny Arnold (@kennyarnold1997) January 6, 2023
People were especially infuriated by his comments regarding the NHS and the lack of solidarity he is demonstrating with the under-pressure healthcare workers who are on strike. He appears to be “trying to denigrate GPs, our first and best line of defence,” which if eliminated will only increase pressure on hospitals.
Labour attacks our Doctors and Nurses, shows no solidarity with the NHS and takes donations from Private Healthcare Companies.
Tell me again how you are mustering the cavalry. #StarmerOut
— LadyBlues #Black Lives Matter #NHSPay20%💙BDS (@Ladyblues666) January 15, 2023
You are asking lay people to self diagnose. What are the symptoms of "internal bleeding"?
Starmer trying to denigrate GPs, our first and best line of defence. #StarmerOut
— LadyBlues #Black Lives Matter #NHSPay20%💙BDS (@Ladyblues666) January 15, 2023
A number of people have stated clearly and unequivocally that they “will not be voting for Labour as it stands.” As their current behaviour gives the impression that they are “the conservative B team”.
I cannot vote for Labour as it stands, I detest all that the Tories stand for, we need a new party headed by #JeremyCorbyn #StarmerOut #ToryBrokenBritain
— vanessa booze (@nessywessy) January 14, 2023
Read more:
UK TREND : The Scottish people demand that Sturgeon steps down
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