Al-arab In UK | Liz Truss.. Heir to the Balfour Declaration

1446 رمضان 10 | 10 مارس 2025

Liz Truss.. Heir to the Balfour Declaration

Liz Truss.. Heir to the Balfour Declaration
24 September 2022

Since Liz Truss became the new Prime Minister in the United Kingdom, she confirmed her intention to move the country’s embassy in Palestine to the city of Jerusalem, confirming that she also is the heir to the Balfour Declaration. Working on keeping his promise to maintain the security of the Zionist state.

Liz had done as those before her and renewed the UK’s support of the Zionist “claim” to defend itself against those who oppose the state, thus, standing against the Palestinian people.


Liz Truss Meeting Yair Lapid, PM of Israel, in Newyork (Anadolu Images)
Liz Truss Meeting Yair Lapid, PM of Israel, in New York (Anadolu Images)


Liz Truss Supporting the Balfour Declaration

In her 47 years of life, Liz did not get to truly learn of the great crimes  Britain had committed against Palestine and its people, raising the neverending question “How many more years does she need to know of the catastrophe that Britain had caused by supporting the Zionists?”

Mrs Truss, even though is British by nationality, is a Zionist of thought, ideology, philosophy, and even blood.

Theresa May, former British Prime Minister, once answered the question of whether she supported the nuclear bombing of hundreds of thousands of innocent people with “Yes”. Showing her true ideology that many Prime Ministers after her follow. 

And keeping that in mind, you can understand how and why they celebrate the 100 anniversary of the Balfour Declaration; the reason behind the establishment of the Zionist state in Palestine and the displacement of thousands of people.

Boris Johnson showed the same mentality and the worst act of racism when he authorized the deportation of immigrants from Britain to Rwanda. He was known for his lies and hypocrisy, and his enthusiasm to follow America senselessly. 


The UKs Prime Minister Liz Truss
The UKs Prime Minister Liz Truss (Anadolu Images)


And how can we forget Tony Blair, one of the strongest supporters of the occupation and destruction of Iraq under the pretext of the existence of chemical weapons. The justification that the world late came to know is nothing but a ploy created by the White House, but it was enough to kill thousands of people and torture thousands more until today.

Britain’s legacy is nothing but a colonial history, full of slavery, colonialism, murdering, theft, and plundering of the wealth of the people and the countries it occupied without accountability or control, morals, and without principles or values. So how do many claims that there is a legacy for the UK to be proud of?

It is enough to read a book about the history of India to know the truth behind British history. Ask the people of the countries that the UK had once colonized what did Britain do to them!

And if that was not enough, then listen to the demands of the people to return (Indian Koh-i-Noor) diamond since the Queen had passed away, as well as demanding the return of the diamond called (The Great Star of Africa). They are diamonds that Britain had stolen while on their mission of colonizing and they still keep to this very day.


Translated from Assawsana



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