Al-arab In UK | How Britain’s new policies lean towards the Uni...

1446 ربيع الثاني 18 | 22 أكتوبر 2024

How Britain’s new policies lean towards the United States

15 October 2022

Britain is witnessing a period of uncertainty and enormous challenges, with a new monarch, a new prime minister, and an even newer ‘catastrophic’ financial plan, the nation seems to be losing some of the stability historically associated with its approach to governance.


In an opinion piece published on “Arabi21,” Emad Chidiac writes that the UK seems to be operating on an updated set of rules beating to a Western drum, or more specifically, to the United States of America.


New Defence and Foreign Policy Review


The UKs Prime Minister Liz Truss
The UKs Prime Minister Liz Truss (Anadolu Images)

By the end of 2022, the British government will conduct a comprehensive review of its defense policies, focusing squarely on countering what it views as “threats” emanating from Russia and China.


Thus declared the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss, who appears to prioritise foreign affairs over the crisis facing the British at home as a result of the war in Ukraine, according to Chidiac.


Truss pledged that her government will publish an updated version of the comprehensive review of security, defence and foreign policy that will focus on keeping pace with the UK’s diplomatic, defence and security architecture in the face of the growing threats from “enemy states”.


Published under Boris Johnson’s government in March 2021, the previous defence and foreign policy review -which covered the UK’s plans up to 2030- did not exclude Russia from its list of “enemies” that must be confronted, as it was considered a “main and direct threat to British security.”


This was echoed by former Minister of State for Security and Borders Damian Hinds who listed Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea as “among the most egregious hostile nations facing Briton,” in an interview with the Telegraph last January.


Britain’s New Policies


UK flag
Britain’s new policies lean towards the United States rather than the EU (unsplash)


Chidiac argues that by charting its updated policies, the UK appears to be seeking further investment in what it views as “strategic alliances.” These investments, however, seem to be directed towards the West – specifically the United States – rather than its vital sphere within the European continent.


This demonstrates that British priorities always aim to preserve London’s status as a leading player unchained of European commitments. Britain has been always been an American agent inside Europe backing Washington’s interests in isolation from its European neighbours’ considerations.


This has been a pattern since post-WWII when American influence began to spread in Europe with the “Marshall Project” announced by former US Secretary of State George Marshall to help European countries rebuild after the war.


Given this project, the United States offered cash donations and a number of long-term loans, spending $13 billion in four years on 17 European countries including France, Italy, West Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Greece, and of course Britain.


That following year in 1949, Washington established the NATO alliance, further strapping Europe to the United States.


Since then, European countries have been unable to escape Washington’s influence on NATO decisions, which is clearly seen today in the war on Ukraine where Europe finds itself forced to help and supply Ukraine with weapons despite damages dealt due to military actions, the wave of displacements, and sanctions repercussions.


Therefore, European countries are tied to Washington on one hand, and to London on the other hand, the latter which aims fiercely to exclude Russia from the European continent. Such facts were stated clearly by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky days ago saying that British military support for his country was 100 percent, while that of the USA only reached 70 percent.


Not to mention the consequences felt by Europe because of Britain, whether that is Brexit, or the obstruction of establishing an independent “EU army” as was called by European leaders (Germany and France) following the American retreat from Afghanistan.


America’s Agent?


Former Uk Prime Minister Boris johnson and President of the USA joe biden in June 2022 (Anadolu Images)
Britain’s new policies cater to Washington, Emad Chidiac argues (Anadolu Images)

Chidiac also argues that Britain today is using the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as a pretext to paint the Kremlin as “the enemy of the world” not just enemy of Ukraine. This stance helps the United States in its attempts to take control over the oil and gas market in Western countries and even in some Arab countries.


This is evidenced by data on the upcoming sales of natural gas exported from America to Europe which has begun to complain about the high American gas prices, in addition to the wide uproar from the American side following the OPEC+ decision to cut global oil production, in which the USA accused Saudi Arabia of siding with Russia.


Britain’s advances do not stop there, says Chidiac. Their reach extends to the Middle East and North Africa, twisting the domestic policies of the region and the “post-Soviet” countries, in a manner that portrays Russia as enemy of the world once again. This was confirmed by files published by the Anonymous hacker group about a year ago. The leaked files show British intelligence involvement in the Balkans, Syria, as well as in Lebanon conflicts, and all those interferences are “coincidently” in Washington’s favour!


Source: ِArabi21


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