Farewell Elizabeth!

After the death of the longest reigning monarch in British history “Queen Elizabeth II”, the question now is how did Britain preserve its monarchy on one hand and split all other kingdoms starting with the Ottoman Caliphate till ended Arab monarchies, particularly in Egypt and Iraq on the other hand?
On July 14, 1958, Al-Rehab Palace in Iraq witnessed one of the most horrific political massacres in modern history. A group of “Free Officers” led by Abdul Karim Qassem and Abdul Salam Arif overthrew the monarchy murdering everyone who was in the palace, including women and children.
The British claws were not far from this scene despite the British striving to deny any involvement in the massacre or in changing Iraq’s political system, but the records of the British political presence in Iraq and in the Mashriq confirm all these claims. Iraq’s invasion, led by the United States-British Alliance in the name of weapons of mass destruction is evidence of how deep the crimes committed by the colonial empire against Arabs and Muslims from India to Egypt passed by Palestine and the Balfour Declaration.
In Egypt, a group of military leaders called the “Free Officers Organization” led a coup d ‘état against King Farouk in 1952, in which Bakbashi Abd al-Nasser then quickly overthrew President Mohamed Najib and placed him under house arrest until his death. It is the same scenario that occurred in Iraq when Arif overthrew Qassem and then Saddam turned against them both before America handed Iraq to Iranian militias.
In addition, the US and British intelligence led Colonel Gaddafi’s coup d ‘état against the good King Idriss Senussi to undermine the fledgling political ground there and open the door to nearly half a century of tyranny, absurdity, and bloody repression which their impacts are still visible today.
On the other hand, Arab hereditary regimes retained their political structure, but this would not have been possible without the British-American blessing, especially in the Gulf region. These regimes maintained their loyalty to the British throne in exchange for the protection of the existing regime. Morocco remains the only African and Maghreban exception in which the monarchy has preserved itself from military ventures despite the failed bloody coups that took place during the ruling of King Hassan II.
The political tumor was growing!
The mid of the last century was a turning stage in Arab history especially in post-Second World War, starting with the occupation of Palestine in 1948. In this critical period, which reached the seventies, the Arab political system was formed in its final form and marked by the end of the monarchies in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Syria through establishing the military regimes that will rule the region with an iron fist until today bringing terrible ends to those countries.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that monarchies are democratic regimes, but they have more just socially and less repressive models and they are unwilling to commit massacres and crimes compared to the ones committed by all Arab military regimes without exception. The military forces in Algeria, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Egypt, topped the commitment of countless and brutal crimes, as in Syria today, where the sectarian military regime decided to burn the country, displace millions of citizens, and bring in foreign armies to kill unarmed civilians and bombed them with explosive barrels.
Changing regimes in Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Algeria, Egypt, and Libya was not arbitrary, instead, it was a framed specific project, especially if we spotlight on the nationalism and Arabism notions called by these military organizations. However, the linking point regardless of oppression and tyranny is represented in the terrifying legacy that they left, as the countries ruled by the military nationalist groups turned into ruin.
Many Gulf countries succeeded in enabling their people to live adequately social well-being by sharing oil wealth and investing in infrastructure, education, and public utilities. This did not occur in military republics, which possess doubled oil wealth such as Algeria, Libya, and Sudan, whose sons flee through deserts and seas in order to reach the European coasts.
Military nationalist regimes were the magical solution to which colonial powers were perceived when their armies decided to leave the Arab region and guarantee their interests by disabling renaissance in those countries. Indeed, these military regimes were necessary to fuel tensions between countries like Algeria and Morocco, as well as the role of Gaddafi and Abdelnasser in Yemen and the role of Saddam in the invasion of Kuwait.
In general, Monarchies and hereditary systems have the ability to transform into constitutional monarchies, like many European countries, but it is impossible to achieve in Arab military republics.
Queen Elizabeth II has left the world with a bloody mark and millions of dead, to whom the British crown never apologized. But the most dangerous thing left by the British colonial empire is the Zionist dagger in Palestine, the crime that turned later into a commercial asset in favor of Arab military regimes, which were throughout their long history the loyal guardian of the usurping entity and the terrible colonial legacy.
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Timeline: The life of Queen Elizabeth II
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