Al-arab In UK | Arab Nations … Always at the end of the race.

1446 ربيع الثاني 19 | 23 أكتوبر 2024

Arab Nations … Always at the end of the race.

Arab Nations … Always at the end of the race.
3 January 2022

It is a wonder that a nation with such heritage and culture stands with nothing as a new year begins. As it stands empty-handed looking astonished at what others had brought.

With the year ending and another beginning, the Arab nation chooses to look at its past days looking for their achievements, or rather their losses. Still living in the past yet trying to be part of a non-ending worldwide race of scientific achievements, championship awards, and innovative accomplishments. The last to be the top worldwide education institutions where, once again, Arabs’ were at the bottom of the list.

It is not a shock when we are ranked at the end of anything, as the typical Arab does not look outside their tribal competition, competing with themselves, eating themselves from the inside out as if the history standing still at Jahiliyyah – age of ignorance – and tribal conflict.

At the threshold of a new year, the world appears as it is on a chessboard, in which pawns, horses, castles, and kings move, each looking for intelligence and strength. The strongest of all is the power of science, which was and still is the sole pride of many nations in a world that had not stopped running in a non-ending race since the dawn of history.

Science does not seem to be an interest of Arab Nations anymore, confirming why they always rank at the bottom of the ladder. Covid-19 pandemic had proven the lack of scientific importance in Arab nations, as their universities and scientific centers wait for the vaccine to be discovered by other nations.

At the threshold of a new year, Korea ranks at the top of educational lists. A country that once in the 1960s asked for the Arab Nations’ knowledge on the automobile industry. (xanax)

It is still a wonder, how a nation once had all the culture and heritage, is now at the bottom of the ladder, with no one asking the core question “How can we be what we once were?”. How can we be what we once were while our people are running away from their country looking for a place where they will no longer be hungry and fearing for their lives?

we once again, start a new year waiting for a miracle to tip the scales where we are no longer at the end of the race.

Source: جريدة الأيام الفلسطينية – rewritten and translated 

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