Al-arab In UK | Palestinians of Manchester renew their social m...

1446 رمضان 10 | 10 مارس 2025

Palestinians of Manchester renew their social meeting

Palestinians of Manchester celebrate Moataz Abu Laila and renew their social meeting
9 January 2022
Palestinians of Manchester  renew their social meeting (Palestinian Forum)

The Palestinian Forum in Britain – Manchester opened its first social meetings after a break due to the Corona pandemic, with a social meeting held on Saturday, January 8, 2022, in a school hall, with the participation of hundreds of sons and daughters of the Palestinian community in Manchester.

The community announced the marriage of its son, Moataz Abu Laila, and spontaneously performed a Palestinian wedding that spread happiness in the place, and mixed a smile of joy with nostalgia for the homeland and its heritage.

Moataz Abu Laila married his Italian bride from an English mother, Naomi Cassani, in the presence of her grandmother.

Abu Laila’s family in Gaza was following the wedding ceremony via live broadcast technology.

The official of the Palestinian Forum branch in Britain in Manchester, Firas Al-Jazzar, confirmed that this meeting took into consideration health safety rules and came in response to the desire of the sons and daughters of the community to meet and renew communication after a long interruption imposed by the pandemic and then people’s fears of infection. Many well-known faces in the Palestinian community were absent as a result of their fears from Corona virus due to their health conditions.

Palestinians of Manchester celebrate Moataz Abu Laila and renew their social meeting
Palestinians of Manchester renew their social meeting

Sheikh Magdy Aqeel

It is reported that one of the leaders of the Palestinian Forum in Britain in Manchester, Majdi Aqeel Abu Muhammad, had suffered from the epidemic severely and had stayed in the hospital for more than five and a half months while he was in a medical coma due to the difficulty of his condition, and God Almighty has delivered him.

The nice thing is that Sheikh Majdi Aqeel was the one who performed the marriage contract himself, so the joy was doubled when Sheikh Aqil returned to his usual activity.

Palestinians of Manchester celebrate Moataz Abu Laila and renew their social meeting
Palestinians of Manchester renew their social meeting

A number of participants expressed their happiness with the experience and suggested more meetings in the future to strengthen the links between the members of the community. The members of the Palestinian community, whether they are from the West Bank, Gaza, Palestinian refugees or the occupied interior in 1948, are considered a clan for the Palestinian youth abroad.

Palestinian “Zaffa”

The Palestinian”zaffa” is considered one of the most traditional customs associated with weddings, which the Palestinian people love, as it is an important component of their heritage. Families used to gather at weddings and celebrate with the groom in a move that all Palestinian towns are accustomed to, and many still preserve it and consider this part of the battle to preserve identity. (Valium)

The “zaffa” is one of the traditional songs chanted by the Palestinians and some Arab countries such as Jordan, Syria and Lebanon at wedding parties.

It is noteworthy that the Palestinian Forum in Britain – Manchester branch had circulated an invitation to social gathering and participation in the announcement of the marriage contract through its Facebook page.

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