1446 شعبان 23 | 22 فبراير 2025
To pioneer the integrated preparation of Arab leaders who are value driven.
We are an integrated training centre providing personal, professional, and media skills for Arab leaders, and work in accordance with specialised up-to-date programmes that take moral values into consideration.
Leaders’ Centre was established in London, UK in mid 2012. The Centre draws its expertise from the true engagement between knowledge and skills that presence in this throbbing heart of the world allows. It is through the merger between this lore of knowledge and an Eastern sense that benefits from the originality and cultural heritage of the Arab World that has allowed us to embark on founding a truly pioneering example of the aspired Arab leader who is grounded by his good values for the betterment of our present and future.
“Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusi says, ‘A mere drop of water will continue to drill deep into a solid rock.’ Hence, sustained work will lead towards modernisation and development in the field of administration and leadership, which will in turn lead to the formulating of a decision maker who deserves respect and admiration.
The questions that come though are: What is going on in the world nowadays? Since major global companies and those once pioneers in administration and leadership matters are now collapsing and starting to fall, are they for example failures in managing crises? Are their administration theories not worth the paper they are written on and cannot be implemented? Did the unimaginable occur? Have they overlooked important facets to the proper flow of their organisations’ work? What good is a successful manager and ingenious leader if s/he was a mere piece on a chessboard being controlled by other major players?
Does being a successful administrator and ingenious leader mean being able to merely captain a ship without steering it away from choppy seas?
The old model of leadership of Controlling, Ordering, and Predicting is long gone. There is a new model of active leadership for today’s modern institutions that must be enacted. This is what we do through a collaborative training vision with you, for ‘leaders are not born perfect, nor are they prepared like instant coffee; they ripen slowly.’
Adnan Hmidan