UK TREND: Sajid Javid calls for NHS privatisation

The former health secretary Sajid Javid has proposed that the NHS replace long wait times with means-tested fees, citing Sweden, Ireland, and Norway as potential role models.
Sajid Javid stated that the current NHS model is “unsustainable” and that patients should be charged for GP appointments and A&E visits. Extending the contributory principle, according to the former health secretary, should be a part of radical changes to address the NHS crisis.
Sajid Javid

Following the publication of Javid’s opinion piece for the Times, the hashtag #NHSPrivatization has been trending on Twitter as prominent figures, politicians, and members of the public have expressed their outrage over the bizarre remarks Sajid Javid made.
Sajid Javid says patients should be charged for GP and A&E visits to ease waits
— The Independent (@Independent) January 21, 2023
British media personality Carol Vorderman expressed her anger at Javid’s request and stated, “ we already pay for GP and A&E visits, it’s called paying taxes”. She also referred to the recent issue with Zahawi and tax avoidance, stating that the public paying taxes is “something a number of his cabinet friends seem to have issues with ! Zahawi, Sunaks wife”.
Wants us to pay for GP and A&E visits.
We already do mate….it's called paying our taxes!!
Something a number of your cabinet friends seem to have issues with!Zahawi
Sunak's wife
Who else I wonder?— Carol Vorderman (@carolvorders) January 21, 2023
Hey @sajidjavid, we already pay for The NHS – if it needs more money, maybe ask your tax dodging /avoiding colleagues to chuck some cash in
— Tim Burgess (@Tim_Burgess) January 21, 2023
Labour member of parliament Richard Burgon highlighted how “ Sajid Javid got £1,500 per hour from a second job with a US investment bank – is calling for people to have to pay to visit their GP and A+E”. It is clear that “ the Tories want to use this crisis to push through the privatisation of our NHS”.
Sajid Javid – who got £1,500 per hour from a second job with a US investment bank – is calling for people to have to pay to visit their GP and A+E.
The Tories want to use this crisis to push through the privatisation of our NHS.
We have the fight of our lives on to stop them.
— Richard Burgon MP (@RichardBurgon) January 21, 2023
Labor opinion

John McDonnell , another labour member of parliament also commented that this demonstrates the intention of the Conservative party to privatise the NHS. “ The Tories start to break the underlying principle of the NHS and that its free at the point of need. Their next step will be private insurance & then full privatisation for profiteering”.
Here we go. Exactly as predicted, the Tories start to break the underlying principle of the NHS that it’s free at the point of need. Their next step will be private insurance & then full privatisation for profiteering. Never trust the Tories with the NHS.
— John McDonnell MP (@johnmcdonnellMP) January 21, 2023
British doctor Rachel Clarke also tweeted her agreement with labour MPs and said the “ former health secretary openly calling for £20 charges per GP visit & £66 per trip to A&E. This has always been the governments NHS agenda. Outsource, privatise, make you pay (again).”
Just a former health secretary openly calling for £20 charges per GP visit & £66 per trip to A&E.
This has always, always been the government’s NHS agenda. Outsource, privatise, make you pay (again).
Anyone seriously believe Sunak doesn’t want the same?
— Rachel Clarke (@doctor_oxford) January 21, 2023
One individual tweeted that when her “12-year-old daughter” learned about Sajid Javid’s plan, she questioned whether he wanted the country to resemble America, where people with serious illnesses are left to die without access to treatment. It amazed her that “a kid can see how awful this idea is, yet the Conservative party doesn’t,” she said. (
Just told my 12 daughter Sajid Javid wants to charge people for GP appointments & A&E visits, her response “so they want us to be like America, so if I get cancer you can’t afford to get me treatment & I could die”. Amazing kids see what an awful idea this is & Tories don’t.
— Claire #EnoughIsEnough 💙 (@clairebubblepop) January 21, 2023
In other words, the public believes “ Sajid Javid is suggesting poor people should be left to die”.
When Sajid Javid says he wants people to pay to see a GP, what he Really Means is that he wants poor people to Die.
— Dr Sam🐟❤🌈😷 (@CounsellingSam) January 21, 2023
Doctor May also tweeted about the severity of the situation while citing a case of first-time parents who might be discouraged from getting medical attention for their sick child as a result of Sajid Javid’s proposed charges.
Imagine first time parents worrying there is something wrong with their baby
Rather than seeing their GP, they decide not to because of the proposed £20 charge
Imagine if baby ended up being ill
& early presentation could have made all the difference
Shame on you @sajidjavid
— Doctor May Jay (@DoctorMayJay) January 21, 2023
Dr Mike Galsworthy also reiterated that “ the NHS cannot be trusted with the Tories. The appetite to kill and sell is clear” therefore a general election must take place now, in order to save the NHS.
When the NHS is weak, that’s when predators like Sajid Javid & David Davis start circling and testing defence responses.
And we know there are many healthcare companies waiting behind them.
The NHS cannot be trusted with the Tories. The appetite to kill & sell it is clear.
— Dr Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) January 21, 2023
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