Rishi Sunak … The new conservatives’ marketing strategy

Rishi Sunak, the new British Prime Minister, can be called an Anglo-Saxon and a conservative who also happens to be the son of wealthy immigrants. The new Prime Minister seems more of a cosmetic decoration that only enhances the conservative party’s legitimacy and gives it the marketing it needs.
And on a more important note, he is a political Zionist who has the support of the Israeli lobby in Britain. He partners with Israelis in many investments in both USA and UK.
Those seem to be the qualifications that had helped the 42-year-old to the position of Prime Minister.

Black Skin … White Masks
Frantz Fanon’s book, “Black Skin … White Masks” can help put into perspective the assigning of Rishi Sunak as a Prime Minister. The book offers fresh insight into how many blacks, leaders and individuals were fascinated by the colonial culture of the European white masters.
Many black leaders and intellectuals defended European colonialism. And on the other hand, there were European and white intellectuals and writers who attacked colonialism and its racism. Indicating that the colour of the skin and the cultural origin are not instinctive when it comes to the topics of colonialism and racism.
Such is shown with Sunak’s support of Israel.

Sunak … a Brown Man with Churchill’s Spirit
When Barack Obama was assigned as president of the united state, he was met with the same reaction and fascination Rishi Sunak has now. He was welcomed by everyone and everywhere, and his flaws were overlooked because he was black.
In his eight years in the presidency, Obama did not prove anything but that behind his immigrant-origin black skin was someone who had the same radical thought as the white men before him.
However, Sunak became the Prime Minister of a country that once had Winston Churchill as Prime Minister. A man who believed in white supremacy and once publically said “If Independence is granted to India, power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues, freebooters; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw”. (the200acres.com)
He even justified famines that India suffered under Britain’s colonialism as “reducing their numbers”
But is Sunak really different from Churchill? He seems to have the same ideology as him but with brown skin. He supports the occupation of Israel and a racist who is against immigration, even though that statement shows hypocrisy by itself as he was born to parents who immigrated to the UK in the 1960s.
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