Little Amal ending her long journey at the UK

A little girl on a big journey.
A living, breathing, walking work of art. Little Amal, a giant puppet doll that started her journey in July 2021. The 3.5 metre-tall living artwork of a young Syrian refugee child has travelled through Turkey, Greece, Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the UK to bring attention to the urgent needs of young refugees.
Little Amal has travelled across the oceans and the mountains for 8,000 km starting from Syria, Turkey border to Manchester, the United Kingdom away from the war in Syria only to find a warm welcome from more than 65 cities, towns and villages and to attend more than 100 events.

At this time of unprecedented global change, The walk is an extraordinary artistic response: a cultural odyssey transcending borders, politics, and languages to tell a new story of shared humanity – and to ensure the world doesn’t forget the millions of displaced children, each with their own story, who are more vulnerable now than ever during the global pandemic.
The Story of Little Amal
Little Amal is a 9-year-old refugee who has fled her war-torn country and is in search of her mother. There are tens of thousands of real Amals, boys as well as girls, who need to find their way into education and rebuild their lives.

Little Amal arrived at Sheffield after a long journey to find a very warm welcome from around 4,000 people from all ethnicities for her at Victoria Quays to see her, cheer her and show her love. She attended on a boat where there was the event and activities.
As people’s voices were cheering her up and supporting her, the Syrian flag was fluttering up high in the sky and little Amal was resorting to it to show it love and respect. The children were the most excited to see Little Amal, their voices were the loudest so she can hear them and wave back to them.

Amal continued her trip in Sheffield to her next stop at Tudor Square to find thousands of people waiting for her once again. An event had been organised before she arrived with lots of activities planned.
Decorations have been also set up in many different languages and are ready for her arrival. Everyone from all backgrounds was there to show their support love to all refugees in the UK.
Hallam University students had started a performance before her arrival, it was a very heart-touching performance for everyone and even made some people tear up. The students have explained their feelings with the song “welcome home Amal, we’re here.”
Britain was overwhelmed with happiness with Amal. And the audience was very helpful to maintain organisation, starting from Folkestone city to Manchester. Everyone was happy and as they said “it was a very special occasion, she was an amazing huge doll, I have never seen something like this, I welcome her and all refugees here.”
Moments was worth recording to stay with everyone forever. A breath-taking moment makes everyone forget about all worries they have and remind them about all the blessings and not forget about the refugees who are trying to find a better home and in need of our support.
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