Al-arab In UK | British Teacher describes pupils' heartwar...

1446 رمضان 11 | 11 مارس 2025

British Teacher describes pupils’ heartwarming welcome for a Syrian refugee

British Teacher describes pupils' heartwarming welcome for a Syrian refugee معلمة بريطانية تصف مشاعر الحب التي غمرتها بها طفلة سورية لاجئة (تويتر: @MsMartin93)
1 December 2021
British Teacher describes pupils’ heartwarming welcome for a Syrian refugee (Twitter/ Sophie Martin)

British teacher Sophie Martin saw a Syrian refugee start in her class recently. She went on to describe the amount of love classmates displayed towards the young refugee on twitter.

Martin explained on Nov 25 that the little girl and her family reached the UK two weeks prior, after 2 years of trying.

“My class was full of LOVE for her – some made cards at home. This hatred and selfishness is completely learned.” the tweet read.

In the tweet, Martin attached pictures of the pupils’ cards welcoming the Syrian girl into their midst. “Just LOOK at the EMPATHY.”

Ms. Martin’s tweet received over 14,000 likes and over 2,000 retweets. Many Twitter users also replied to the tweet.

Some wondered about the story of the Syrian refugee girl and the reasons behind the family’s two-year struggle to reach the UK.

To which others responded, outlining the complex and arduous process of applying for asylum claim in the United Kingdom, as well as the long wait periods.

One tweet read: “I cannot imagine what an awful and complicated two years that this child and her family have had to get to this point. What an enormous relief they must feel now. I hope they all receive encouragement from your class’s kindness. We all have a responsibility to be kind.”

Many activists and refugee right organizations thanked the teacher and her students and said that young children accept people regardless of their nationalities and backgrounds, unlike some adults who pass judgment on others without trying to get to know them or engage with them.

Many stressed the importance of adults learning from the innocence of young people, and how to be loving and kind to others around you.

After all, “hatred is taught not innate, there’s a lot of adults who could learn from these children,” as tweeted by @caromason1

The tweet also sparked an important question: If children have so much kindness and compassion, why do they become fueled with hate as adults?

One tweet answered that some children change because of exposure to different opinions, attitudes and beliefs in real life and social media.

After reading the replies on her tweets, Ms. Sophia came back and tweeted, “I read some of these replies to the children and they were so happy they made so many people smile! Thank you for all your lovely comments.”

# British Teacher describes pupils’ heartwarming welcome for a Syrian refugee

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