Al-arab In UK | British Palestinians Dedicate Annual Iftar to S...

1446 رمضان 13 | 13 مارس 2025

British Palestinians Dedicate Annual Iftar to Supporting Gaza

18 March 2024

Over a thousand attendees filled Byron Hall in Harrow, West London, heeding the Palestinian Forum in Britain’s (PFB) call to partake in their eighth annual Iftar. Remarkably, a quarter of the nearly £30,000 raised was earmarked for the people in Gaza, demonstrating a deep commitment to their welfare.

The event commenced with the soul-stirring recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Egypt’s Dr. Al-Said Abu Al-Fayouz, setting a reverent tone. This was followed by Adnan Hmidan, the vice president of the PFB, delivering an impassioned speech. He highlighted the core values of Ramadan – compassion, generosity, and unity – and implored attendees to manifest these virtues in support of Gaza.

British Palestinians Dedicate Annual Iftar to Supporting Gaza

Hmidan poignantly reminded the audience, “As we gather for this Iftar, let us not forget the hundreds of thousands in Gaza facing starvation and enduring severe hardships. It is our duty to stand in solidarity with them.”

Maisara Ibrahim, representing the families in Gaza, shed light on the profound suffering and the poignant reality of Ramadan amidst the strife affecting their people.

British Palestinians Dedicate Annual Iftar to Supporting Gaza

Dr. Anas Al-Tikriti underscored the significance of harnessing the collective power of Arabs and Palestinians in Britain. He advocated for using their influence, especially through voting in the upcoming general elections, to champion Gaza’s cause.

British Palestinians for Gaza in Ramadan 2024

British Palestinians Dedicate Annual Iftar to Supporting Gaza

Under the stewardship of Yusuf Ali, the meeting fervently echoed the sentiment that Gaza’s plight remains a pressing concern that overshadows all else. The program, including a quiz about Gaza hosted by Ali that offered travel tickets to Amman, Jordan, as prizes, was imbued with solidarity for Gaza’s people.

The evening culminated in the Isha and Qiyam prayers, led by the renowned Syrian reciter Yahya Hawa. His heartfelt supplications for relief for Gaza and its inhabitants from their suffering, and his calls for accountability, moved many to tears.

Notably, the PFB initiated a campaign at the start of Ramadan aiming to raise £50,000 for Iftar meals in Gaza, successfully gathering £30,000 during this eventful eighth annual Iftar evening.


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