Al-arab In UK | Arabs in UK: Identity Crisis

1446 رمضان 10 | 10 مارس 2025

Arabs in UK: Identity Crisis

Arab in UK: Identity Crisis
14 February 2022

I thought long and hard about what to write for my first article on “Al Arab in UK“. There are many topics to shed light on when it comes to Arabs struggle in the UK.

I decided to start when I last stopped. In my postgraduate thesis, I had discussed the struggle of the Arab community, specifically the second generation and the youth, in the UK. And given the little articles that exist on the subject, I took it upon me to write and search the topics I had observed within the community of Arabs in Britain.

But what I am talking about here is not the academic aspect at all, but the little observations that left me in shock sometimes. That one day I hope I can go into depth about, and maybe even listen to the Arab dads and sons from within the community.



The invisible community

One of the most important observations I had noticed, is the extreme self-neglect, which had marginalized and almost disempowered the Arab community in Britain as a whole.

One can even notice the many smaller communities within the UK that have a stronger voice and presence in the society compared to the Arab one, and I do not mean here specifically in the political field, despite its importance, but in any other field as well.

For example, you can hardly find any research in the academic field by Arabs, except for very rare initiatives.

There is not even an accurate statistic for those of Arab origin in the UK, which is a very dangerous matter, and it should not be taken so lightly. In fact, many Arabs do not know that they were included in the population statistics in Britain in 2014 for the very first time! despite the fact that Arab lived in the UK for more than 130 years before that.

This only shows that calling the Arab community “The invisible community” was very much accurate. (The term was coined in scientific research)

Some might wonder why did is it important to address this? the answer is simple, yet complicated. If we as Arabs did not have any presence in the UK, how will that affect our children and the many generations to come? What about their right and privileges?


Arab in UK: Identity Crisis
Arab in UK: Identity Crisis


Identity crisis that many generations to come will suffer


It is disheartening to hear how some of the parents answered them. Many were justified to be called selfish as they lacked the ability to adapt to the UK society, constantly thinking that one day they will return to their home country. Not taking into consideration their children that were born and raised in the UK.

Having an identity and presence is something all psychologists and sociologists, etc. agree on.

While many parents think that they know everything about their children, a large number of children think that their parents hardly take into consideration what they want, how they think, what they care, and what their ambitions are, especially when it comes to the country to which they feel they belong. Causing them in return to have an “identity crisis”.

This matter might be one of the root causes for self-neglect within the Arab community as it affects the personality and mentality of the children – the next generation of Arabs in the UK. It would require deep discussions aiming to change the view of some of the parents.

The “identity crisis” that this generation of young people faces is the product of the parent’s beliefs and opinions that they try to force into their children. Some might do it intentionally and often it is done unintentionally under the name of religion or culture, but both have the same outcome.

In sum, the division we see within the community poses great risks to the new generations and their ability to adapt to the surrounding society and to have an active presence within as well.


Note that some of the translation was edited for length and clarity.

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